Romans 7:7 ...But I did not know sin except through the law ; for neither did I know coveting, except the law had said, "You shall not covet." (18) For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh , nothing good dwells...
God knows that no good thing comes out of the flesh. He knew this a long time ago, but we do not know it. We do not know that there is no good thing from the flesh. As a result, we keep hoping and trying our best to please God. God knows that our flesh is useless. But we do not know it. Therefore, He gave the law to us. The purpose of the law is to prove to us that man is sinful and powerless. The law was not given for us to keep; God knows that we cannot keep the law. God knows that we will break the law, but we do not know it. Therefore, He gave the law to us and allows us to break it. In this way we will come to know what God already knows, and we will become aware of our powerlessness. God has to bring us to the point where we confess that we cannot make it. Only then will we acknowledge Gods wisdom in crucifying us on the cross. Every person has his specific weakness, and he must ask God to enlighten him and show him his weakness. Every person has at least one thing that he cannot overcome. Once you see that you are unable, you will see that God is able. If you do not see your own weakness, you will not see the power of Christ.
Bible verses are taken from the Recovery Version of the Bible and Words of Ministry from Watchman Nee, The Overcoming Life, pp. 60. Both are published by Living Stream Ministry, Anaheim, CA. Please visit us at Send comments to: [email protected].
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