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October 22, 2023

Needing to Pray Big Prayers

Matt. 6:9 You then pray in this way: Our Father who is in the heavens, Your name be sanctified; (10) Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.

The Lord says, "If two of you are in harmony on earth." There must be at least two because this is a question of fellowship. One person cannot accomplish this. One person cannot be God's outlet; there must be two. The principle of two is the principle of the church, the principle of the Body of Christ. Although there are only two in this kind of prayer, the harmony is indispensable. The two must be in harmony, and they must stand on the ground of the Body. They must know the Body life. There is only one goal with them, which is to tell God, "We want Your will to be done, in heaven and on earth." When the church prays in this position, whatever it asks will be done for it from the Father who is in the heavens. Brothers and sisters, when we truly stand on the ground of the church and take up the responsibility of such a ministry of prayer before God, we will see God's will carried out in the church where we are. Otherwise, everything will be in vain. The power of God today can at most be as great as the prayer of the church. This does not mean that God's power is limited in heaven. In heaven, God's power is unlimited. But on earth, God's power is manifested to the degree that the church prays. The amount that the church prays will be the measure of the amount that God's power is manifested. Consequently, the church has to learn to pray big prayers and make big requests. The prayer of the church is often very small; it prays only for ordinary problems. This is not enough. The church needs to have big prayers and make big requests. Since the church is coming to such a rich God, there must not be small prayers and small requests. Since the church is coming to such a rich God, there must be great things happening. If the capacity of the church before God is small, it will restrict the power of God from being manifested. The church must have big prayers to manifest our God. This is the ministry of the church. If we see the church's responsibility of prayer, we will see that our prayers are not big enough; we are limiting God and frustrating His work. The church has forsaken its duty! What a sad situation this is!

Bible verses are taken from the Recovery Version of the Bible and Words of Ministry from "The Prayer Ministry of the Church" in the Collected Works of Watchman Nee, Vol. 22, pp. 151-152. Both are published by Living Stream Ministry, Anaheim, CA. Please visit us at www.emanna.com. Send comments to: [email protected].

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The Prayer Ministry of the Church